Sunday, October 14, 2012

Independent Component #1 Plan Approval


1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.

  • My plan to complete the independent component is to either take a local baking/ cake decorating class near my house. What they teach is like I had previously said, they will teach the students how to bake simple things, like bread, to more the more complicated, like cheesecake. They will also teach the basics to cake decorating. My other plan is to actually work at a bakery so I may get hands-on training in the field.
2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
  • The way I will meet the 30 hour requirement is by constantly going to the class/ going to the bakery as much as I possible can. for example, if I were taking classes, then I would ask the teacher for when the classes are held, and go to those classes ever chance I get. If I were to work at the bakery, then I would plan ahead my working hours to also work with my schedule so I may go and collect those hours.
3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
  • The reason this actually relates to my working EQ is because my EQ had to do with how a pastry chef can tell a story through their food, so by taking classes/ working at a bakery, I am actually making a foundation to my senior project. Before I can even start telling a story through my food, I have to know the basics to baking and to cake decorating for me to be successful.

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