1. My essential question is:
What is the best way to create a decorative art themed wedding cake?
2. The third answer to my essential question is simplicity.
3. Examples/ evidence:
- Ex. If we were having a wedding, and it was a simple black and white theme, you would not want to have fireworks made of fondant and the whole cake covered in flowers, it would not only look like a hot mess, but it would also look to busy and complicated for anyone to really enjoy.
- Evidence: My interview #3, with my mentor, Ashley McNeal. She had mentioned to me that we want to keep things nice a beautiful, but at the same time, keep it simple and clean.
- Ex. Simplifying as much as we can in an order for a cake is one of the best ideas because we want to be able to do the order without having to call and bother the customer by calling them if it seems to complicated to the cake decorator. We make sure that is the case in all of the orders we do in the bakery.
4. The main source that helped me reach this answer if my mentor, Ashley. She always tells me that when we take an order for a cake, that we want to stress that keeping the design simple is important so that we do scramble in the bakery, and get confused on what is written down on the order itself.
5. I plan to study more on other cake decorators styles to broaden my horizon about different cake decorating styles. I hope doing this helps me find my niche in cake decorating.
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