- Literal ( Know )
- Name of Mentor: Kim Cruz Business: Kimmee Cakes (Online bakery business)
Contact Number: (626)589-0162
- 10 Hour Mentorship Log
- Literal ( Need To Know )
- How does my mentor come up with her concepts for her cakes when she receives an order for a party of another similar occasion with a specific theme?
- How can I make a cake tell a story through how it looks or at least get what the point of the cake across?
- How can I start myself off in the baking business?
- What is the common cost of ingredients that a pastry chef or baker spends?
- What are the needed tools for a pastry artist?
- How much can a pastry artist actually make?
- Should I start with taking a business management major like I had planned in order to make sure that I understand how to work my own business?
- Interpretive:
- From what I have done and learned from my experience with my mentor, I have learned to be open minded about everything and imaginative. Imagination and open minds allow pastry chefs and artist to unleash their inner creativity onto a dessert or whatever they maybe catering for. I mean, when we go to a weeding or a debut, they always have a theme to what the event is, so a pastry artist has to be very open minded and imaginative so that they can create a work of art that represents the event and is aesthetically pleasing for the customer. This experience and the many more to come have and will definitely help me in the future.
- Applied:
- From everything that I have experienced during the 10 hours with my mentor, I have made up my mind to stick to Pastry Art as my senior project. From seeing what I am capable of doing in the kitchen and seeing what I can produce and come up with conceptually, I came to realize that I love to bake and work on confections for the joy of other people. The fact that I can do pastry chefs was an idea, but I felt that being able to show people another part of the pastry world would interest not only the people I will be teaching in the end, but also myself because Pastry Art is not only being able to create something beautiful, but also be able to create a story through your food and art.